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Integrate into your website

Integrate into your website

To get started, create a client and then add an app if you haven't already. Kumulos groups your apps under clients, usually the name of the website or company.


Kumulos provides an SDK to ease the integration of the Kumulos Analytics and Push Notification features into your web project.

The following video shows how to add Kumulos Web Notifications to your WordPress site.

Configuring Notifications for WordPress with Kumulos

The relevant code snippet for your functions.php is as follows:


function kumulos_init_web_push()
    echo <<<'END'

    Kumulos("init", {
        apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
        secretKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
        vapidPublicKey: "YOUR_VAPID_KEY"

<script src="" async></script>

add_action('wp_head', 'kumulos_init_web_push');>

Configure Web Push Prompts

You can now prompt your website visitors to subscribe to web push notifications by adding a bell, alert or banner soft-prompt.