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Windows 101

This recipe provides an example of reading data from a Kumulos API method and reading the result into a local model object.


This recipe assumes that you have working knowledge of C# and an applicable toolchain (ASP.NET / Windows Phone / Xamarin).


The process to read data from a Kumulos API method is:

  • Create a new C# project with references to the Kumulos SDK binary and the Newtonsoft.Json Nuget package
  • Instantiate a KumulosHttp client with your Api Key and Secret Key
  • Call an API method
  • Map the result payload to a local model object
using System;
using Kumulos.NET;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Kumulos;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CSharpExample
    class MainClass
        private static string apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
        private static string secretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY";

        public static void Main (string[] args)
            KumulosHttp apiClient = new KumulosHttp (apiKey, secretKey);

            Task<Kumulos.Payload> apiCall = apiClient.CallAsync ("getOptionTypesWithOptions");
            apiCall.Wait ();

            List<OptionTypeWithOptions> optionTypesWOptions = new List<OptionTypeWithOptions>();
            foreach (KumulosObject obj in apiCall.Result) {

            Console.WriteLine ("Results:");
            foreach (OptionTypeWithOptions optionType in optionTypesWOptions) {


    class OptionTypeWithOptions {
        public static OptionTypeWithOptions CreateOptionTypeWithOptionsFromKumulosObject(KumulosObject obj) {
            List<Option> options = new List<Option> ();
            foreach(KumulosObject option in obj.GetPayload ("options")) {
                options.Add (Option.CreateOptionFromKumulosObject (option));

            DateTime? timeUpdated = null;
            if (obj.GetString ("timeUpdated") != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                timeUpdated = DateTime.Parse (obj.GetString ("timeUpdated"));

            return new OptionTypeWithOptions (

        public OptionTypeWithOptions(int objectTypeId, string title, int displayOrder, DateTime timeCreated, DateTime? timeUpdated, Option[] options) {
            this.objectTypeId = objectTypeId;

            this.title = title;
            this.displayOrder = displayOrder;

            this.timeCreated = timeCreated;
            this.timeUpdated = timeUpdated;

            this.options = options;

        private int objectTypeId;

        private string title;
        private int displayOrder;

        private DateTime timeCreated;
        private DateTime? timeUpdated;

        private Option[] options;

        public string GetTitle() {
            return title;

        public string Write() {
            return string.Format ("ID: {0} Title: {1}\nOptions:\n{2}", this.objectTypeId, this.title, this.WriteOptions ());

        private string WriteOptions() {
            string result = "";
            foreach (Option opt in this.options) {
                result += string.Format ("\tOptionID: {0} Name: {1}", opt.GetId (), opt.GetTitle ()) + Environment.NewLine;
            return result;

    class Option {
        public static Option CreateOptionFromKumulosObject(KumulosObject obj) {
            DateTime? timeUpdated = null;
            if (obj.GetString ("timeUpdated") != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                timeUpdated = DateTime.Parse (obj.GetString ("timeUpdated"));

            return new Option (
                obj.GetInt("isVegetarian") == 1 ? true : false,

        public Option(int optionId, string title, double pricePerUnit, bool isVegetarian, int type, DateTime timeCreated, DateTime? timeUpdated) {
            this.optionId = optionId;

            this.title = title;
            this.pricePerUnit = pricePerUnit;
            this.isVegetarian = isVegetarian;
            this.type = type;

            this.timeCreated = timeCreated;
            this.timeUpdated = timeUpdated;

        private int optionId;

        private string title;
        private double pricePerUnit;
        private bool isVegetarian;
        private int type;

        private DateTime timeCreated;
        private DateTime? timeUpdated;

        public string GetTitle()
            return title;

        public int GetId() {
            return optionId;